【FIN】Long-Term Valuation Actuarial Mgr
【Job Responsibility】
Responsible for actuarial reserving and other financial reporting for long-term products; manage the Long-Term valuation team.
【Key Tasks & Accountabilities】
1) Responsible for long-term actuarial valuation and solvency reporting
2) Act as people manager for the long-term team
3) Provide forecast and management insights based on long-term financial reporting
Internal:UW(underwriting) team, IT, Finance, Claims etc.
External: APAC (Zurich Actuarial Service Center), Auditor
1)Qualified (or close to qualified) Actuary with recognizable Actuarial Institutes
2)8+ years actuarial experience in Insurance Companies, preferable in Life Actuarial or long-term valuation
3)Team management experience preferred
4)Actuarial valuation experience with IFRS17 reporting experience preferred
5)Good communication skills
6) Experience in actuarial software, preferable with SAS, R and Prophet
7) Fluent in English, Japanese is preferable
・勤務時間: 9時00分から17時00分迄(休憩時間60分)
各種社会保険(健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災、他)、l団体生命保険、会員制福利厚生クラブ加入、EAP: Employee Assistance Program(従業員支援プログラム)、育児休職制度、育児時間制度、介護休職制度、フレックスタイム制度、短時間勤務制度、時差勤務制度、育児休職者の早期復職支援手当、シフト勤務に対する育児支援手当、社内クラブ活動、ドレスコードフリー(服装自由)、オンライン自己啓発プログラム、副業、兼業(届出制)